Estados De Mexico Lista
Posted By admin On 20/02/19Listado de estados; ID de estado (Dar click para ordenar) Nombre del estado (Dar click para ordenar) Municipios del estado (Dar click para ordenar).

Estados De Mexico States
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Estados De Mexico Lista 2018

Los 32 Estados De Mexico

El Toreo towers in Naucalpan. The state provides 9.7% of the country's gross national product, with over 12% of all of Mexico's active workforce employed in the state. The most important sector of the economy is industry and manufacturing, with over 10% of the state's land urbanized. The State of Mexico ranks second in the country for industrial output. The most important industries include chemicals, food products, textiles, paper products, metalworks and the construction and maintenance of transport vehicles. This sector employs the highest percentage of the population at 27.7%. The next largest employer is commerce at 21.5%.