Gangnam Style Youtube English

Posted By admin On 18/01/19
Gangnam Style Youtube English Rating: 6,1/10 7688 votes
Gangnam style youtube english

There’s a new YouTube king in town. Angeli Kakade (@angelikakade) has the scoop.


Psy Gangnam Style Youtube English

Image copyright Reuters Image caption Psy's horse-galloping dance move was immortalised in the Gangnam Style video The music video for South Korean singer Psy's Gangnam Style exceeded YouTube's view limit, prompting the site to upgrade its counter. YouTube said the video - its most watched ever - has been viewed more than 2,147,483,647 times. It has now changed the maximum view limit to 9,223,372,036,854,775,808, or more than nine quintillion. Became a worldwide hit when it was released in 2012, largely due to the surreal video.

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Media captionIn 2012 the BBC's Rico Hizon asks Gangnam Style's Psy the story behind his name Google, which owns YouTube, later told website that engineers 'saw this coming a couple months ago and updated our systems to prepare for it'. YouTube now uses a 64-bit integer for its video counter, which means videos have a maximum viewer count of 9.22 quintillion. Psy has yet to comment although news of YouTube's change was posted on his Facebook and Twitter pages.

Youtube Psy Gangnam Style English Version

The second most-watched video on YouTube - Baby by Justin Bieber - lags behind Gangnam Style by more than a billion views.