History Of Hindi Literature
Posted By admin On 23/02/19Indian literature, writings of the Indian subcontinent, produced there in a variety of languages, including,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and, among others, as well as in. The term Indian literature is used here to refer to literature produced across the Indian subcontinent prior to the creation of the in 1947 and within the Republic of India after 1947. A brief treatment of follows. For a fuller treatment, see. The earliest Indian literature took the form of the Hindu sacred writings, known as the, which were written in Sanskrit.
History Of Hindi Language
To the Veda were added prose commentaries such as the and the. The production of extended from about 1500 bce to about 1000 ce and reached its height of development in the 1st to 7th centuries ce. In addition to sacred and philosophical writings, such as erotic and devotional lyrics, court, plays, and narrative folktales emerged. Because Sanskrit was identified with the Brahminical religion of the Vedas, Buddhism and adopted other literary languages (Pali and Ardhamagadhi, respectively).

The history of Hindi poetry, thus, extends over a period of almost one thousand years. Download lagu cinta terbaik. The development of Hindi prose has been classified into three periods: The first phase (1868-1918), the phase of growth (1918-1937) and the present phase (1938 onwards).

From these and other related languages emerged the modern languages of northern India. The literature of those languages depended largely on the ancient Indian background, which includes two Sanskrit poems, the and, as well as the and the other. In addition, the Sanskrit philosophies were the source of philosophical writing in the later literatures, and the Sanskrit schools of were of great importance for the development of court poetry in many of the modern literatures. The South Indian language of Tamil is an exception to this pattern of Sanskrit influence because it had a classical tradition of its own. Urdu and Sindhi are other exceptions.